The inspiration for this foundation began shortly after I graduated culinary school with an AS degree in Culinary Arts Management. During that journey and after graduation, I encountered many talented, dedicated and hard-working individuals who wished to further their education in the culinary arts. While that can be done in various ways, such as working as an intern or stagiaire in a restaurant or with a successful chef, or educational or job training, I really wanted to be able to help those individuals who just needed a helping hand up to the next level in reaching for their dreams. Successful people are often interested in reaching out to help others, whether it is through a job opportunity, training or mentoring. Chef Start would like to connect those who have succeeded with those who have the drive and tenacity to do the same.
By creating a Board of professional chefs and educators, Chef Collen Engle and Chef Richard Ingraham, along with me, hope to extend opportunities to those who might not otherwise have a chance to make their dreams a reality.
Suzanne Kosnitzky
A Little Bit About
The Chef Start Foundation
The purpose of Chef Start Foundation is to assist individuals who have demonstrated by their hard work, dedication, perseverance, passion and talent in the culinary arts to be deserving of assistance for their advancement through education and experience. Chef Start wishes to particularly focus on veterans and individuals from underprivileged circumstances who might not otherwise have the opportunity to advance in their chosen field. Chef Start’s pledge is to not only provide financial assistance but on-going mentoring for our recipients to ensure that we are supplying the growing culinary industry with individuals who are not only talented but who also exemplify the highest degree in professionalism as well.